- The Practicing Stoic (Godine 2018)
- The Economic Loss Rule, 50 Val. L. Rev. 545 (2016)
- The Empirical Accuracy and Judicial Use of the Coase Theorem (Vel Non) (in The Elgar Companion to Ronald H. Coase) (2016)
- Farnsworth’s Classical English Metaphor (Godine 2016)
- Restitution: Civil Liability for Unjust Enrichment (Univ. of Chicago Press 2014)
- Implicit Bias in Legal Interpretation, 1 Journal of Law and Courts 115 (2013) (with Dustin Guzior and Anup Malani)
- Farnsworth’s Classical English Rhetoric (Godine 2011)
- Ambiguity About Ambiguity: An Empirical Inquiry into Legal Interpretation, 2 J. Leg. Anal. 257 (2010) (with Dustin Guzior and Anup Malani)
- The Case for Life Tenure, in Debating Reform (2009, Congressional Quarterly press)
- Dissents Against Type, 93 Minn. L. Rev. 1535 (2009)
- Torts: Cases and Questions (with Mark F. Grady) (2d ed.) (2009)
- The Legal Analyst (University of Chicago Press, 2007)
- The Use and Limits of Martin-Quinn Scores to Assess Supreme Court Justices, 101 Nw. U. L. Rev. 1891 (2007)
- The Role of Law in Close Cases: Some Evidence from the Federal Courts of Appeals, 86 B.U.L.Rev. 1083 (2006)
- The Ideological Stakes of Eliminating Life Tenure, 29 Harv. J. L & Pub. Pol'y. 880 (2006)
- Signatures of Ideology: The Case of the Supreme Court's Criminal Docket, 104 Mich. L. Rev. 67 (2005)
- The Regulation of Turnover on the Supreme Court, 2005 U. Ill. L. Rev. 407
- The Legal Regulation of Self-Serving Bias, 37 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 567 (2003)
- The Academy and the Profession, chapter in The Oxford Handbook of Legal Studies (2003)
- Realism, Pragmatism, and John Paul Stevens (Chapter in Rehnquist Justice: Understanding the Court Dynamic) (2003)
- The Taste for Fairness, 102 Colum. L. Rev. (2002)
- The Economics of Enmity, 69 U. Chi. L. Rev. 211 (2002)
- ‘To Do a Great Right, Do a Little Wrong’: A User’s Guide to Judicial Lawlessness, 86 Minn. L. Rev. 227 (2001)
- More Tales Out of School: A Reply to Professor Griffin, 82 B.U.L. Rev. 281 (2002)
- Talking Out of School: Notes on the Transmission of Intellectual Capital from the Legal Academy to Public Tribunals, 81 B. U. L. Rev. 13 (2001)
- Women Under Reconstruction: The Congressional Understanding, 94 Nw. U. L. Rev. 1229 (2000)
- Do Parties to Nuisance Cases Bargain After Judgment? A Glimpse Inside the Cathedral, 66 U. Chi. L. Rev. 373 (1999)